Radiant Rose Energy

We provide Energetic Healing and Crystal Healing sessions. Essences of Pure Therapies and essential oils from Young Living

Energetic Healing is based on the philosophy that everything is energy. You are your own souls energy frequency and when you experience illness or disease the energy has become unbalanced and out of frequency to your Soul. There are many causes and layers that form around illness and disease on the Physical Emotional Mental and Spiritual levels.
Energy can also be manipulated and when manipulated with loving intention and higher frequencies the energy changes in ways that serve the highest good. No Karma can come from this work as long as it is always sacred with heart centered intention.
At radiant rose energy we offer a healing space of love light and insight to help guide you in your Healing journeys. We hope we can provide a support network for you. May your lessons come to you lovingly and enjoy the glorious life you have been given.
Love, Light and Blessings
Joanne Dixon

Memeber of the EHA - Energetic Healing Association
Energetic Healing session $100 for 1 hour Child $35
Crystal Healing sessions $70 for 1 hour Child $35
Essences and Oils consultations $25 allow at least 45min

Specials on facebook and requests for:
Spiritual and self help books
Aura Soma Quinessence and Pomander
Angel Guidance Cards
Unicorn and oracle cards

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